"I knew you before I formed you in your mother's womb. Before you were born I set you apart and appointed you as my prophet to the nations."
The Hebrew word translated “formed” is typically used to describe the act of a potter molding clay into original and useful pottery.
God is your Master potter. Before He took a seat at His wheel, He knew how He wanted to mold and shape you. You are formed by His hands (Isaiah 64:8). He is sovereign over your wiring and talents, shaping you for the purpose of YOUR story. If you wonder if God knows you now, you don’t need to wonder. He’s known you your whole life! How incredible is it that He gives you the free will to choose and trust Him at some point in it?
Trust in Him and embrace your inner awesomeness! Jeremiah had his own unique calling, and so do you! By following Jesus and sharing your amazing spiritual journey, you'll uncover your own set-apart purpose. Get ready to bloom in this earthly realm and beyond!
Pray. Take a minute to let this scripture verse sink in. What does it mean to you? Think on the positive thoughts & emotions that come to your mind.
Choose Him! Put this scripture in action. Accept this Kindness Invitation.