Kindness Invitations2 Timothy 1:7 INVITATION: Point out the Positive.Help a friend focus on what is special about them or positive about a situation. Be generous with praise, cautious with criticism. Did...
Kindness InvitationsRomans 5:8 INVITATION: Call Someone you Need to Forgive. Tell them you love them. If you need to apologize....apologize. Did you know? A grudge is like a run in your pantyhose, it can only get...
Kindness Invitations1 Peter 2:9 INVITATION: Be Intentional. We all want to be invited to the "party". Include someone that's left out today. Be the person that goes above and beyond... not only...
Kindness InvitationsJeremiah 1:5 INVITATION: Write Yourself a Positive Note."I am loved by the King of Kings. He lives in me. I can do great and mighty things." Did you know? What we think in our minds will...
Kindness Invitations1 Thess 5:11 INVITATION: Pick Two People to Compliment Today.Ex. "You have a beautiful smile; I like your shoes; You are really creative; You're a great listener; You have the best laugh." Did you...
Kindness InvitationsJeremiah 29:11 INVITATION: Post an Inspirational Note on Someone's Mailbox, Car or Social Feed.Find an inspirational quote that you like ("googling" helps!) or write one on your own. Just a few ideas to get your creative juices...
Kindness InvitationsEphesians 2:10 INVITATION: Give Someone a Smile Today!Give an unexpected hug, flower, encouraging word or a free coffee or cookie. Did you know? More hugs = lower blood pressure. Fun Fact...